The problem has been reported by many, but not all users. This issue is: Feeds/ Search application using all of the RAM in Task Manager on Windows 10.  


What is the Feeds in task manager


Specifically, the computer runs very slowly compared to normal. And when opened Task Manager to see that System, Feeds (Search application) is using CPU and Disk quite heavily and as much ram that it can to pin it to 97- 100%.


Currently, Microsoft has not found the cause or specific solution to fix the above error. A lot of users have wondered and asked for a fix (it happens a lot on Lenovo, Dell, strong configuration as well as normal machine configuration). 

Temporarily, we have a few measures below that will help you fix the above error: 


Step 1: Open Task Manager > Disable/End task to Feeds/ Search application.


Step 2: Turn off News and Interests on taskbar.

➤  How to customize News and Interest


Step 3: Run & installed latest Windows Updates. At this point you should update KB5010415 Windows 10 Updates - The "C" preview updates on 15th February 2022
You can get this update by check for update on windows 10 or  download directly from Microsoft Update Catalog.


With the above 3 steps, many users were able to temporarily fix error Feeds using all ram. Please give it a try and let me know the results. If you have any problem, please comment below or send a question on QTitHow Fanpage. Alternatively, you can watch a video tutorial from QTitHow on Youtube here.