When you login your PC (with a user) and receive an error message at the bottom right corner of the screen with the following content:

"You've been signed in with a temporary profile.
You can access your files, and files created in this profile will deleted when you sign out. To fix this, sign out and try signing in later. Please see the… ”.
"You've been signed in with a temporary profile" error message
During using you will not realize the effect of the above error. However, after restarting the computer and re-logging in the user you will see:

  • Files, folders… created on drive C (on Desktop, My Documents, My Music…) previously created in the first login will disappear.
  • Likewise, the software you install on this user will no longer be available.

 To make sure what you say is correct, go to the following link: C: \ Users
Now you will see 2 folders with the following names: TEMP or TEMP.domain name.

It's too dangerous, right? The reason is because you are using a temporary user, all data created on drive C will automatically disappear when you restart your computer and log in again.

How to do:

 "You've been signed in with a temporary profile" on Windows 10

Step 1: Access the path again: C: \ Users. Delete the folders named TEMP.

Step 2: Open Run, type Regedit then Enter.

Find the following path:

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ ProfileList

Step 3: Find to profiles list has the same SID. And the difference is only by the .bak tail. As below:

Step 4: Please delete those 2 profile lists.

After deleted profile list 1331 & 1331.bak

Step 5: Restart the computer, re-login the user to see if the error still occurs. After you've logged in, if the "You've been signed in with a temporary profile" error appears at the bottom of the screen, you have already fixed the error.


A simple Windows 10 trick that helps you fix "You've been signed in with a temporary profile" error.
If you have any difficulties or questions, please comments below.

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You've been signed in with a temporary profile, You can access your files, files created in this profile will deleted when you sign out, Windows 10, You've been signed in with a temporary profile in windows 10, you are currently logged in with a temporary profile, windows 10 temp profile after upgrade, windows 10 temporary profile 2019